From Bartosz Pajak
Learn double exposures at www.markmaya.com/learn-double-exposures --- Thank you for watching this video. I believe that you keeping up with my videos will help… -
The interface in Capture One is highly customizable. Learn how to adjust the interface to suit your needs and style of working. Photographer credit: Russell…
From Bartosz Pajak
Photo credit | Zoe Noble - https://www.instagram.com/zonophoto/ Learn about the various ways in which you can adjust exposure and contrast in Capture One. In… -
From Bartosz Pajak
Photo credit | Russel Ord - https://www.instagram.com/russellordphoto/ Photo credit | David Grover - https://www.instagram.com/david_at_capture_one/ Photo credit |… -
From Bartosz Pajak
Layers make every tool in Capture One more useful and more targeted. Even though Capture One’s suite of tools offer precision editing, on occasion its… -
From Bartosz Pajak
Photo credit | Ausra Babiedaite - https://www.instagram.com/ausra_create/ The Color Editor is one of the most powerful tools in Capture One Pro. Rapidly edit… -
From Bartosz Pajak
Photo credit | Blake Pope - https://www.instagram.com/mblakepope/ Get started with exporting in Capture One. Learn how to easily control the format, size and… -
From Bartosz Pajak
Photo credit | Russel Ord - https://www.instagram.com/russellordphoto/ Get familiar with the interface of Capture One in 4 minutes. Learn how to navigate, find… -
From Bartosz Pajak
Camera Raw editing White balance Levels Curves Masking Select subject Gradient map Dodge and burn Save for web -
From Nadia Radjabi
A quick video explaining how to load a 35mm film onto the spirals for black and white processing.
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