Search for tag: "agency"

SiC 3 - Planning an Exhibit - 06.02.2024

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From  Najiha Malik 1 plays 0  

Amazons Agency.mp4

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From  Denisha Seedoyal-Seereekissoon 4 plays 0  

Soul Endvr

SoulEndvr is a casting agency and production company working across the board and known for specialising in providing the UK’s best black and ethnic minority musicians for Television, Film and…

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From  Maria Olariu 5 plays 0  

ACI Pop-Up - Creative Superpowers & Starting your Freelancing Career

Creative Superpowers Join Daniele Fiandaca from 'We are Utopia' for a presentation and Q&A session on the Creative Superpowers you’ll need to kickstart your creative…

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From  Katy Mulhern 11 plays 0  

Web design, branding, digital advertising, and related topics

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From  Dalilah Kalla 2 plays 0  

Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores | Sal Khan

Would you choose to build a house on top of an unfinished foundation? Of course not. Why, then, do we rush students through education when they haven't always grasped the basics? Yes, it's…

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From  Dan Willoughby 1 plays 0