32:58duration 32 minutes 58 seconds
TPICAP Securities
A global firm listed on the London Stock Exchange and constituent of FTSE 250 Index. The discussion will highlight the many ways graduates can have access to banking roles, preparing for different…
55:03duration 55 minutes 3 seconds
Changes in the Banking Sector and it's…
Changes in the Banking Sector and it's impact on employment
02:09:48duration 2 hours 9 minutes
ECS3120 - Lecture 11 (Revision) - 2020-12-11
02:02:27duration 2 hours 2 minutes
ECS3120 - Lecture 10 - 2020-12-04
30:22duration 30 minutes 22 seconds
ECS3018 - Seminar 10 (part 1) - 2020-12-10
49:24duration 49 minutes 24 seconds
ECS2380 - Seminar 10 (part 1) - 2020-12-10
01:52:37duration 1 hour 52 minutes
ECS2380-ECS3018 - Lecture 11 (Revision)