Search for tag: "david"
SHEPHERD, Chris - BIG TRAIN: STARING CONTEST - 1998-2002 UKBig Train is a British television sketch show created by Arthur Mathews and Graham Linehan. The first series was broadcast on BBC Two in 1998, while the second, in which Linehan was not involved,…
From Jonathan Hodgson
27 plays
PEDLOW, Rosie - TULIPS AT DAWN -Diagrams of chemistry apparatus and educational film footage react and combine in this quirky interpretation of the poem Modes of Representation by Nobel Laureate chemist Roald Hoffmann. The film…
From Jonathan Hodgson
38 plays
O'REILLY, David - THE EXTERNAL WORLD -The External World is both grand in scale—17 minutes long—and much like a musical opus, is composed of a set of separate compositions that run together. Each composition represents a new…
From Jonathan Hodgson
25 plays
O'REILLY, David - OCTOCAT ADVENTURES - (2008)IrelandOn March 13, 2008, YouTube user RANDYPETERS1 submitted his first video, a 43-second scribbled mess called OCTOCAT ADVENTURE 1. It looked like the frames of the video were created, sloppily, in MS…
From Jonathan Hodgson
52 plays
LYNCH, David . Where Great Ideas Come From. USAAnimation narrated by David Lynch, talking about how and where he finds ideas.
From Jonathan Hodgson
23 plays