Search for tag: "development"

Getting to grips with Grant Writing session

Led by Prof Fergus Lyon The objective of this workshop is to help research students and those new to funding applications learn more about the research funding process. In academic jobs and in…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 4 plays 0  

Academic Integrity for Researchers - Dr Paula Bernaschina 07.02.2024

From  Najiha Malik 5 plays 0  

How to develop a 35mm film

A video on how to develop a 35mm film (or any film!) in our processing area.

From  Nadia Radjabi 6 plays 0  

How to load a 35mm film for processing

A quick video explaining how to load a 35mm film onto the spirals for black and white processing.

From  Nadia Radjabi 7 plays 0  

Your Review - Learning from the pilot

Mark Holton, Chief People Officer, in conversation with Nikki Nir, Organisational Development Consultant, on what we hope to find out from running the pilot scheme for Clear Review.

From  Adam Tipple 9 plays 0  

Your Review - How do we keep it positive?

Mark Holton, Chief People Officer, in conversation with Nikki Nir, Organisational Development Consultant, on keeping conversations positive with the new performance development system.

From  Adam Tipple 43 plays 0  

Your Review - What's it for?

Mark Holton, Chief People Officer, in discussion with Nikki Nir, Organisational Development Consultant, on what we are using the performance and development review system for.

From  Adam Tipple 33 plays 0  

Your Review- Will it take more time?

Mark Holton, Chief People Officer, addresses concerns about time using Clear Review to Nikki Nir, Organisational Development Consultant.

From  Adam Tipple 38 plays 0  

Your Review - A more effective approach?

Mark Holton, Chief People Officer, in discussion with Nikki Nir, Organisational Development Consultant, on why he feels reviews with Clear Review will be more effective.

From  Adam Tipple 42 plays 0  

Your Review - Why are we getting a new system?

A conversation between Mark Holton, Chief People Officer, and Nikki Nir, Organisational Development Consultant, on why we are trialling a new performance management and development system.

From  Adam Tipple 577 plays 0