Ka (pronouns they/them), is a specialist SEN teacher working for a charity called Resources for Autism. They work at a specialist pilot project in Newham for young people with a diagnosis of autism+…
Step 1 of making a repeat tile in photoshop
Video 10 (illustrator) Grouping and Ungrouping shapes to enable editing.
Video 11 (photoshop) Experimenting with Brushes.
Video 8 (photoshop) Using our flower jpeg we will learn how to cut out and edit this as an element to design with. How to use the Eye Dropper and Paint Bucket tools to change colours.
Leaving the bookstore at the beginning of the semester you’re probably wondering how the heck you’re going to get through all of that reading. Today we’re explaining how much of…
In his theory of multiple intelligences, Dr. Howard Gardner describes how humans can be intellectually smart in a variety of different ways. There are:
Verbal linguistic…
Some cultures focus on the individual as a unique, independent person, properly operating for his or her own benefit. Others focus primarily on the group, assuming that the group's well-being…