Search for tag: "question"

KCV Session

From  Luca D'Angelo 9 plays 0  

MDXcelerator International Business Pitch Competition_2024

From  Maria Olariu 2 plays 0  

MDXcelerator Dubai_2024_Law and Intellectual Property Workshop by Deena Bhoyroo

From  Maria Olariu 0 plays 0  

EPP_19 June 2024_Panel Discussion_The Power of AI to Transform Industries_Rabia Arif and Leonnie

From  Maria Olariu 4 plays 0  

MDXcelerator Day 8_19 June 2024_Accounting and Taxation_Richatd Jones and Sallt Wang

From  Maria Olariu 2 plays 0  

EPP Session_18 June 2024_Creating a Career Development_Zee Mohammed

From  Maria Olariu 8 plays 0  

MDXcelerator Session_Day 6_Procurement and Logistics_Rebeca Najmias

From  Maria Olariu 6 plays 0  

MDXcelerator Session_Day 4_Yovanie Sevanandee_From a bare idea to Inception

From  Maria Olariu 2 plays 0  

EPP_12 June 2024_Career Opportunities 2030_Wendy Sale and Jack Tims

From  Maria Olariu 7 plays 0  

MDXcelerator Day 2_11 June 2024_From 0 to 1.6mil_Abdurrahman Sagir

From  Maria Olariu 9 plays 0  

Conferencing part 2: preparing to present, fielding the questions

Following on from Conferences: Part 1, this session will focus on how to feel adequately prepared for presenting at conferences. You will be introduced to some common pitfalls and errors that are…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 1 plays 0  

Giving Effective Presentations led by Inderjit Grewal

This workshop is led by Inderjit Grewal.This session is delivered by the Learning Enhancement Team and it is aimed at guiding research students on how to deliver effective presentations. The session…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 11 plays 0  

Bringing your abstract to the gym

This session will was led by Dr Tim FreemanAbstracts in academic papers are crucial to get right. A well-crafted abstract increases the likelihood of avoiding 'desk-reject' by journal…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 6 plays 0  

Creating a Good Poster by Mark Wilkinson

From  Monica Izarra Millan 2 plays 0  

Matching Research Methods to Questions

The goals of this session are you help you become familiar with: - the types of research questions that different methods can help you to answer; - differences between qualitative and quantitative…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 10 plays 0  

Rec - Apr 29, 2024 1:40 PM - MUM CST1340 Feb 24

From  Muhammad Lallmahomed 0 plays 0