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EMERs and EEsLink Tutor Introduction 8/10/2024 Barry French, Acting Quality Manager (Quality Monitoring) & Neela Lubojacky, Quality Manager (Externality) Academic Quality Service
From Benedikt Breuers
3 plays
EMERs for Partners - September 2024Session conducted by Middlesex University on the 12th September on the Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Report (EMER), provided by Barry French in AQS.
From Benedikt Breuers
5 plays
Introduction to Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Reports (EMERs)Introduction to Educational Monitoring and Enhancement Reports (EMERs)Ruth Wood, Quality Manager (Quality Monitoring)
From Benedikt Breuers
9 plays
Effective Reading with SQ4RThis tutorial will show you how you can read effectively in order to understand and retain the text with SQ4R.
From Dan Willoughby
19 plays