Search for tag: "theatre"

Dance Society Showcase 2023-24 (clip 4 of 4)

From  Mikkel Svak 9 plays 0  

Leroy+yr2 - Thur Wk12

From  Mikkel Svak 67 plays 0  

Session 5c_ Performance for futures - participatory futures-oriented approaches to employability-20230615_153417-Meeting Recording

ALTC 2023 Session 5c

From  Katerina Loukopoulou 3 plays 0  

Rebirth - Leroy Dias Dos-Santos - Thur Eve - Wide Panasonic - Wk28

From  Mikkel Svak 56 plays 0  

Get Right, Mr Jones by Louise Kelsey and The Dancers - Year1 Performance (Fri) Wk11 21-22

Punk is whatever you want to make it. That's the beauty of punk. It's being yourself, not anyone else. - Dana Williams.

From  Mikkel Svak 81 plays 0