Search for tag: "challenge"
EPP_Induction Session_6 June 2023Discover an exciting opportunity to enhance your career prospects! Join us for an informative session to understand all aspects of the EPP summer programme including the industry-specific pathways,…
From Maria Olariu
42 plays
FT TalentOpportunity to get involved in this three-day competition, giving participants access to unique FT content, workshops and people.
From Maria Olariu
2 plays
New Horizons May 2021 - 3 Tzaikerks with introduction by Anne DonnellyTzaikerk Sculptural/Processional/Theatrical + Introduction by Anne Donnelly - New Horizons - A Dancing Festival - May 2021 Choreography: Sarah Sulemanji/Siân Hopkins/Sir Robert Cohan CBE Performed…
From Mikkel Svak
37 plays
New Horizons May 2021 - Full Programme - Broadcast compilation v2New Horizons - A Dancing Festival - Full Programme May 2021 Tzaikerk (Sculptural/Processional/Theatrical); Memory Stack; Intertwined; No One Ever Tells Us; In The Midst; B Minor In Springtime;…
From Mikkel Svak
29 plays