Search for tag: "gp"

Your wellbeing: In it together, with #TeamMDX

Being part of our global #TeamMDX community means that we are all in it together to look after ourselves, and each other.

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From  Vanessa White 35 plays 0  

Your health and wellbeing

Hear from students Gabriel, Emily and Kisho about the importance looking after yourself be a successful student.

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From  Vanessa White 97 plays 0  

21-22: RfA Health and Wellbeing Checklist

Join Student Wellbeing Coordinator Vanessa for a quick checklist of things you can be doing as a new or returning student to support your health and wellbeing.

+25 More
From  Vanessa White 64 plays 0  

20-21: Ready for Anything: Accessing healthcare

Watch this introduction from Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Vanessa, and The Uni Doctor's Partner GP, Arun, for a look at how to access healthcare as a student and why registering with a GP is…

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From  Vanessa White 6 plays 0