Search for tag: "literature"
‘Preparing, submitting, and revising an article for a peer reviewed journal’ This session focuses on the process of writing, submitting, and revising an article for a peer-reviewed journal. Participants will learn how to structure their research into a compelling manuscript,…
From Monica Izarra Millan
3 plays
Conducting a Systematic Review of a Literature (SROL)Fine-Tuning the Literature ReviewLed by Dr. Kasia Narkowicz and Dr. Anthony Turner This class is designed to help postgraduate researchers to refine and strengthen their literature review. It covers…
From Monica Izarra Millan
12 plays
Doctoral thesis: strategies and practices from research design to writing and editingDoctoral thesis: strategies and practices from research design to writing and editingLed by Jayne Osgood and panelThrough an interdisciplinary dialogue with supervisors from different disciplines,…
From Monica Izarra Millan
23 plays
Advanced Library Skills 4 Researchers - Jodie WardThis session covers the following topics (flexibly, depending on the needs of those attending): - Synching Google Scholar with Middlesex University Library and setting up alerts - Citation…
From Monica Izarra Millan
4 plays