56:39duration 56 minutes 39 seconds
Rec- Oct 25, 2022 12:53 PM - MUM_IFP0400_20222023
05:36duration 5 minutes 36 seconds
FOLEY - Gary Hecker Foley Artist at TODD-AO…
FOLEY - Gary Hecker Foley Artist at TODD-AO STUDIOS-USA
Gary Hecker Foley Artist demonstrates his technique.
04:56duration 4 minutes 56 seconds
Non-Ferrous Metals
An introduction to non-ferrous sheet metals available in the Grove Stores.
04:38duration 4 minutes 38 seconds
An introduction to the types of steel available in the Grove Stores.
09:20duration 9 minutes 20 seconds
A Tour - GG07 Grove Stores, Maker Space and Art…
A Tour - GG07 Grove Stores, Maker Space and Art Shop.
A breif look around the Grove's Stores, Maker Space and Art Shop.