Search for tag: "museum"
Panel 9_1Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024 Panel 9, 1st speaker Lisa Moravec 'Women's Politics and Art: Feminist Animalities" in Kunst mit Eigen-sinn'
From Katy Deepwell
0 plays
Panel 8_1Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024 Panel 8_1st speaker Sabine Gebhardt Fink 'The Revolving Histories-Project Revisited'
From Katy Deepwell
1 plays
Why do languages die? | The EconomistThere are more than 7,000 languages. The number of people speaking English, Spanish and Mandarin continues to grow, but every fortnight a langauge will disappear forever. The Economist's…
From Dan Willoughby
102 plays