Search for tag: "authority"
PINTOFF, Ernest - THE CRITIC - 1963 USAThe Critic is an American 1963 short animated film by director/producer Ernest Pintoff and creator/narrator Mel Brooks, that won an Oscar for Short Subjects (Cartoons) in 1964. The film was…
From Jonathan Hodgson
5 plays
Low VS High Power DistanceIn high power distance cultures teachers are seldom questioned. While in low power distance cultures to ask questions of a teacher or even to disagree is expected or maybe even required for learning.
From Dan Willoughby
9 plays
Evaluating Academic SourcesWorksheet: This video describes the key points / questions of the C.R.A.A.P test and helps you understand how to use it to evaluate whether a…
From Dan Willoughby
178 plays
Evaluating SourcesA tutorial describing how to evaluate sources. Contact us for more assistance. Evaluating Sources by Western Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons…
From Dan Willoughby
15 plays