Search for tag: "history"

Torrey Pines (Petersen, 2016) - feature film

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From  Sam Summers 18 plays 0  

Panel 12_2

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024. Panel 12_2nd Speaker Wiktoria Szczupacka The Broken Genealogy of Feminist Art History in Poland, on the Example of the Gallery of…

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 5 plays 0  

Panel 11_3

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024. Panel 11_3rd Speaker Ellen Suneson 'Re-evaluating disciplinary departures of feminist art history through…

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 3 plays 0  

Panel 11_2

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024. Panel 11_2nd Speaker Karolina Majewska-Güde 'Exercises in Post-socialist Feminist Art History: Historicizing…

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 7 plays 0  

Panel 10_3

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art: 13 Sept 2024, Panel 10_3rd speaker Maria Photiou 'Rethinking the Legacies of War: Feminist Arts Activism in a Divided Country'

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 2 plays 0  

Panel 6_3

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024, Panel 6, 3rd Speaker Anne Robinson 'The telling is political: collectively speaking our collective story'

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 0 plays 0  

Panel 4_2

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024, Panel 4_2nd Speaker Maria Kheirkhah "Navigating Anotherness in Contemporary Western Visual Culture (Muslim Diaspora)"

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 2 plays 0  

Panel 3: 2

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art conference, 13 Sept 2024 Panel 3: 2nd speaker Amy Tobin 'Misalignments: Feminist Horizons and Epistemological Art'

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 2 plays 0  

Panel 2_1

Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, 13 Sept 2024: Panel 2_1st speaker Clara Zarza 'Rethinking omissions: from the life of the artist to the life of the work'

+19 More
From  Katy Deepwell 1 plays 0  


Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art Conference 13 Sept 2024: Introduction by Katy Deepwell

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From  Katy Deepwell 22 plays 0  

Black History Month Webinar 25.10.2021

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From  Maria Olariu 0 plays 0  

Rec- Sep 30, 2021 5:53 PM - MUM_LEX4704 20212022.mp4

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From  Vandana Beessoo 19 plays 0  

History of Titles

A brief history of film titles, created by

From  Jonathan Hodgson 1 plays 0  


A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE USA From from the documentary feature Bowling For Columbine Dir: Michael Moore/Harold Moss, USA 2002 animation style inspired by SouthparkTV series.

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From  Jonathan Hodgson 42 plays 0  

Taking notes from a textbook

●alternative to flashcards video ----------------------------------------­­------------------- here is everything I talked about in this video! …

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From  Dan Willoughby 9 plays 0  

Globalization II - Good or Bad?: Crash Course World History #42

In which John asks whether globalization is a net positive for humanity. While the new global economy has created a lot of wealth, and lifted a lot of people out of poverty, it also has some effects…

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From  Dan Willoughby 148 plays 0