Search for tag: "nature"

Bringing your abstract to the gym

This session will was led by Dr Tim FreemanAbstracts in academic papers are crucial to get right. A well-crafted abstract increases the likelihood of avoiding 'desk-reject' by journal…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 6 plays 0  

Ethics and research integrity in practice

Ethics and Research Integrity in Practice! Led by Tim Freeman This online session provides an overview of ethical considerations and best practices in research. Whether you're a seasoned…

From  Monica Izarra Millan 8 plays 0  

Teaching Artists 2023 - The Wild Escape, with Sunnyfields Primary - Live at the RAF Museum Hendon.

From  Mikkel Svak 13 plays 0  

GRIOTs Episode 1 - Where is home?

GRIOTs is a mental health and wellbeing story-telling approach that draws on story-telling methodologies indigenous to Western Africa. It recognises the power of story-telling in developing shared…

From  Vanessa White 13 plays 0  

SSF2022 A New Climate Re-telling The Future (Alysoun Barrett Bolger, Angela Lowe, and Justin Davis

Climate change continues to impact the planet, and human activities affect the Earth’s ecosystems. Although it’s a complex and multi-faceted issue, it’s time to take action and work…

From  Joanna Peksa 6 plays 0  

Child Development - October 1st 2021, 1:26:31 pm

From  Alex Burghardt 92 plays 0  

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Hear how the #TeamMDX community are connecting with nature this Mental Health Awareness Week.

From  Vanessa White 38 plays 0  

Transformers Sound Design Documentary - 2009 USA

Documentary about Transformers Sound Design - 2009 USA.

From  Jonathan Hodgson 15 plays 0  

photoshop 10 - Shade with Burn Tool

Video 10 (photoshop) Using the Burn tool to add depth and shade to a grouped set of images in a design.

From  Elizabeth Clay Roberts 5 plays 0  

Paraphrasing And Summarising

Paraphrasing And Summarising

From  Dan Willoughby 299 plays 0  

8 Intelligences: Are You a Jack of All Trades or a Master of One? | Howard Gardner

Watch the newest video from Big Think: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos:…

From  Dan Willoughby 7 plays 0  

What is Corporate Social Responsibility? What does Corporate Social Responsibility and Green Business mean and are they relevant to small businesses?

From  Dan Willoughby 26 plays 0