This session will was led by Dr Tim FreemanAbstracts in academic papers are crucial to get right. A well-crafted abstract increases the likelihood of avoiding 'desk-reject' by journal…
Ethics and Research Integrity in Practice! Led by Tim Freeman This online session provides an overview of ethical considerations and best practices in research. Whether you're a seasoned…
GRIOTs is a mental health and wellbeing story-telling approach that draws on story-telling methodologies indigenous to Western Africa. It recognises the power of story-telling in developing shared…
Climate change continues to impact the planet, and human activities affect the Earth’s ecosystems. Although it’s a complex and multi-faceted issue, it’s time to take action and work…
Hear how the #TeamMDX community are connecting with nature this Mental Health Awareness Week.
Documentary about Transformers Sound Design - 2009 USA.
Video 10 (photoshop) Using the Burn tool to add depth and shade to a grouped set of images in a design.
Paraphrasing And Summarising
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What does Corporate Social Responsibility and Green Business mean and are they relevant to small businesses?