Search for tag: "tutorial"

Capture One 21 Tutorials | Exposure and Contrast

Photo credit | Zoe Noble - Learn about the various ways in which you can adjust exposure and contrast in Capture One. In the first half of the tutorial…

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From  Bartosz Pajak 4 plays 0  

Capture One 21 Tutorials | Importing and Organizing Your Photos

Photo credit | Russel Ord - Photo credit | David Grover - Photo credit | Alexander Flemming -…

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From  Bartosz Pajak 5 plays 0  

Capture One 21 Live | Get the most out of Layers

Layers make every tool in Capture One more useful and more targeted. Even though Capture One’s suite of tools offer precision editing, on occasion its necessary to target your edits with a…

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From  Bartosz Pajak 2 plays 0  

Capture One 21 Tutorials | Color Editor

Photo credit | Ausra Babiedaite - The Color Editor is one of the most powerful tools in Capture One Pro. Rapidly edit colours with the Direct Color…

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From  Bartosz Pajak 1 plays 0  

Capture One 21 Tutorials | Exporting Photos

Photo credit | Blake Pope - Get started with exporting in Capture One. Learn how to easily control the format, size and location. Export to JPG, TIFF, PSD…

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From  Bartosz Pajak 1 plays 0  

Capture One 21 Tutorials | Interface Explained

Photo credit | Russel Ord - Get familiar with the interface of Capture One in 4 minutes. Learn how to navigate, find the tools you need and use…

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From  Bartosz Pajak 14 plays 0  

Group 1 - Tutorial Feedback - 7.12.20

Not sure how useful this is now after the crit, but I recorded it so it's there if you want it.

+21 More
From  Jonathan Hodgson 3 plays 0  

The Why and How of Referencing using Cite Them Right

Referencing is about signaling when sources have played a role in your assignments and at the same time giving due credit to other writers. This session will introduce you to referencing, and why it…

+19 More
From  Dan Willoughby 77 plays 0  

Lighting Tutorial - Video basics - CAPE

Created by Luca D'Angelo and Viktoria Skljarova

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From  Luca D'Angelo 17 plays 0  

Framing - Video basics - CAPE

Created by Luca D'Angelo and Viktoria Skljarova

+1 More
From  Luca D'Angelo 18 plays 0