Search for tag: "china"

Rec- Apr 6, 2022 7:04 PM - MGT4544_2021_2022.mp4

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From  Sanjay Matadeen 19 plays 0  

Low VS High Power Distance

In high power distance cultures teachers are seldom questioned. While in low power distance cultures to ask questions of a teacher or even to disagree is expected or maybe even required for learning.

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From  Dan Willoughby 9 plays 0  

The rise and fall of global trade: the Romans to Covid-19 | FT Trade Secrets

Senior FT trade writer Alan Beattie on the forces behind the surge and collapse of globalisation, from the Roman and Mongol empires to Donald Trump and Covid-19. ► To learn more, visit our…

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From  Dan Willoughby 16 plays 0  


The world is becoming more and more interconnected. Globalization changes how people consume, work and live almost everywhere on the world. Today, many economic, political, cultural or ecological…

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From  Dan Willoughby 145 plays 0  

What is Globalisation?

This A Level macroeconomics video considers the nature of globalisation as a process of deeper integration and interdependence between countries. A Level Economics Revision Flashcards These…

From  Dan Willoughby 33 plays 0  

Globalization II - Good or Bad?: Crash Course World History #42

In which John asks whether globalization is a net positive for humanity. While the new global economy has created a lot of wealth, and lifted a lot of people out of poverty, it also has some effects…

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From  Dan Willoughby 148 plays 0  

Globalization I - The Upside: Crash Course World History #41

In which John Green teaches you about globalization, a subject so epic, so, um, global, it requires two videos. In this video, John follows the surprisingly complex path of t-shirt as it…

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From  Dan Willoughby 130 plays 0  

How The Ancient Silk Road Pioneered Globalization

How China Is Reviving The Silk Road - » Subscribe to NowThis World: Positive or negative, we hear a lot about…

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From  Dan Willoughby 34 plays 0  

Cultural difference in business | Valerie Hoeks | TEDxHaarlem

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. One of the elements of the cultural difference between Europe and China is the importance that is given to…

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From  Dan Willoughby 20 plays 0  

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

LOOK UP YOUR COUNTRY Visit my website: If you love my lessons, you could buy me a coffee! :) :)…

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From  Dan Willoughby 183 plays 0  

Culture Shock: China

Four International Students share their most shocking insights into uni life in London

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From  Dan Willoughby 47 plays 0  

How to Engage with Ethical Fashion | Clara Vuletich | TEDxSydney

What do you know about the clothes in your wardrobe? About the clothes that you’re wearing right now? Clara Vuletich works with some of the biggest brands in the world to help them ask the…

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From  Dan Willoughby 3 plays 0  

The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang

Learn more about TED-Ed Clubs here: Visit the TED-Ed Clubs YouTube channel: View full lesson:…

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From  Dan Willoughby 142 plays 0