Search for tag: "lots"

MDXcelerator Day 1_Start-up Marketing 101_Danish Bagadia

From  Maria Olariu 8 plays 0  

MDXcelerator Day 1_10 June 2024_The 5Ps of Your Business Pitch and Eco-entrepreneurship_Dr Christopher Moon

From  Maria Olariu 5 plays 0  

Kickstarting 4 - Care and Wellbeing as a Researcher - 15.02.24

From  Najiha Malik 8 plays 0  

Academic Integrity for Researchers - Dr Paula Bernaschina 07.02.2024

From  Najiha Malik 5 plays 0  

International Student Session_Working in the UK

From  Maria Olariu 1 plays 0  

10 minute jobsearch_Jan 2023

From  Maria Olariu 2 plays 0  

10 minute CV_Jan 2023

From  Maria Olariu 3 plays 0  

The Link Tutor Role (1/12/2022)

Link Tutor Workshop Presentation (1 Dec 2022) David Westley, Head of Department of Psychology Faculty of Science and Technology

From  Angelique Matthews 5 plays 0  


Oscar nominated Middlesex alumna Joanna Quinn talks about her life and work in animation.

From  Jonathan Hodgson 9 plays 0  

Finding Resources on your Reading List

From  Lauren Dolman 108 plays 0  

Rec- Nov 24, 2022 2:23 PM - MUM_APM2002

From  Denisha Seedoyal-Seereekissoon 0 plays 0  

Rec- Oct 25, 2022 12:36 PM - MUM_CST 3340

From  Suraj Juddoo 20 plays 0  

SSF2022 A New Climate Re-telling The Future (Alysoun Barrett Bolger, Angela Lowe, and Justin Davis

Climate change continues to impact the planet, and human activities affect the Earth’s ecosystems. Although it’s a complex and multi-faceted issue, it’s time to take action and work…

From  Joanna Peksa 6 plays 0  

Academic Partnerships Support (10/11/2021)

Link Tutor Workshop Presentation, 10 November 2021 Benedikt Breuers, Partnerships Manager International Recruitment and Academic Partnerships

From  Benedikt Breuers 6 plays 0  

Tern Heads

Tern Heads is a community showcase of creatives from UK universities, and this session will focus on finding a job in the creative industries, including tips on how to increase your network and build…

From  Maria Olariu 3 plays 0  

NHS Graduate Management Programme

Opportunity to join the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme and make a difference to the lives of millions of people. The scheme offers you the opportunity to develop into a future leader in one…

From  Maria Olariu 5 plays 0