The goals of this session are you help you become familiar with: - the types of research questions that different methods can help you to answer;
- differences between qualitative and quantitative…
Revised LSS welcome talk voiced version
Welcome slides with voice over for Library and Student Support at Middlesex University for the 2021-22 academic year. http://libguides.mdx.ac.uk/
Join Student Wellbeing Coordinator Vanessa for a quick checklist of things you can be doing as a new or returning student to support your health and wellbeing.
A snapshot introduction to student health and wellbeing at MDX, self-care, MDX online wellbeing platforms, and a brief look at Student Support & Wellbeing services.
Watch this introduction to keeping well at MDX with Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Vanessa, and MDX Ambassador and student, Abdelrahman, for tips and advice on how to look after yourself as an MDX…