Join us for an insightful session on various career pathways within psychology. You will hear
from five MDX alumni/employers who will share their experience of their career journey and
the skills…
774 million+ members, a dedicated space to manage your professional identity, somewhere to engage with professionals in industries of your choice, and now a dedicated Learning platform to hone…
Hear from students Gabriel, Kisho and Emily as they tell you about why they use Fika and TogetherAll.
Join Student Wellbeing Coordinator Vanessa for a look at ways you can look after your wellbeing and health by engaging in self-care, take a closer look at the Counselling and Mental Health and…
Meridian Wellbeing is a Barnet based mental health and wellbeing charity. They are the lead provider of the Barnet Wellbeing Hub, providing a range of in person and digital services including IAPT…
Watch Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Vanessa, and Head of Training at Fika, Lauren, talk through the journey of 'Moe', a student who arrives at MDX and can be supported through self-care…
Do you know what a secondary source is? Find out in our new animated video, as we discuss the arrival of the Metropolitan Police in 1829. For more videos, games, free courses and to find out how you…
Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: http://ow.ly/ay7I30f0VUF
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J9AwPBrJog
My Book Recommendations:…
Michael Tolomeo, Instructional Media Manager, shares how video usage at Cornell University evolved over time. From transcoding all videos in-house to outsourcing it to Kaltura in order to scale…